NSAA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - September 19, 2024


Gold Member
Aug 29, 2004
The NSAA Board of Directors met on September 19, 2024 at the NSAA office in Lincoln with the following members present:

District I - Kara Graham, Lincoln Southeast​
District I - Dade McDonald, McCool Junction​
District II - Dr. Nick Wemhoff, Fort Calhoun​
District II - Thomas Lee, Omaha Westview​
District III - Dr. Jon Cerny, Bancroft-Rosalie​
District IV - Darren Tobey, Broken Bow​
District V - Robert Drews, Arapahoe​
District VI - Dr. Troy Unzicker, Alliance​
Also in attendance: Dr. Zainab Rida, Nebraska Department of Education Liaison; Bobby Truhe, NSAA Legal Counsel; Andrew Sherman, Activities Director, Lincoln Southwest High School; Tyler Irons and Shakeela Buettner.

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m.

1. Moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Items on the Consent Agenda included:
  • Approval of the meeting Agenda as presented
  • Approval of the Minutes of the August 19, 2024 Board of Directors meeting
  • Approval of the Minutes of the August 21, 2024 Board of Directors meeting
  • Approval of the Minutes of the September 5, 2024 Board of Directors meeting
  • Approval of the Minutes of the September 11, 2024 District Boundary Review Committee meeting
  • Approval of the Financial Statements

  • Approval of the following cooperative sponsorship renewals for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years:
    • York and McCool Junction for Girls Wrestling
    • Wisner-Pilger and Pender for Girls Wrestling
    • Southern Valley and Arapahoe for Girls Wrestling
Motion Carried: 8-0

2. Moved to approve a request from the Metro Conference to use more than two coaches at the boys tennis conference meet. Motion Carried: 8-0

3. Moved to approve December 22-26 as the dates for the December Moratorium in 2027. Motion Carried: 8-0

4. Moved to approve increasing the size of NSAA District medals to 1 3/4 inches and increasing the size of NSAA State medals to 2 1/2 inches, beginning with the 2025-26 school year. Motion Carried: 8-0

5. Moved to approve the 2024-2025 NSAA Budget. Motion Carried: 8-0

6. The Board heard an appeal from Lincoln Southwest on a denied hardship waiver for Kaytee Irons.

7. The Board entered closed session at 9:32 a.m. to hear an appeal from Omaha Duchesne Academy.

8. The Board exited closed session at 9:43 a.m.

9. NSAA Staff reports included the following informational items:
  • To date, the group discussing and gathering feedback on competitive balance have attended 25 conference meetings across the state, with six more meetings planned.

  • Fall Officials Appreciation Week will be October 6th through the 12th

  • All dates, times and locations for district meetings are finalized and posted on the NSAA website

  • A reminder was given that Class Caucus and Legislative Proposals are due on October 1st

  • A weekly newsletter, "The Focal Point," has been created to communicate with the fine arts community

  • It was announced that the NSAA has entered into a new partnership with Kordica Communications to assist with marketing, communications and strategic planning

  • Members of the NSAA Student Advisory Committee will begin attending Board meetings, beginning in October
10. The Board entered closed session at 10:13 a.m. to hear an appeal from Fremont High School.

11. The Board exited closed session at 10:26 a.m.

12. The Board heard a report from the NSAA Lobbyist.

13. Moved to enter into executive session at 10:52 a.m. to discuss NSAA Bylaw 1.10 -- Due Process Procedures, the NSAA Boundary Review Committee and to deliberate on information presented at the hearings. Motion Carried: 8-0

14. The Board move to exit executive session at 12:29 p.m. Motion Carried: 8-0

15. In the matter of the Lincoln Southwest hearing, it was moved to uphold the Executive Director's denied hardship waiver for Kaytee Irons. Motion Carried: 8-0

16. In the matter of the Omaha Duchesne Academy hearing, it was moved that the eligibility of the Omaha Duchesne Academy student shall be based on the domicile of the mother. Motion Carried: 8-0

17. In the matter of the Fremont hearing, it was moved to uphold the Executive Director's ruling. Motion Carried: 8-0

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:32 p.m.

The next meeting of the NSAA Board of Directors will be October 10, 2024 at the public library in Alliance.